Do Cement Shingles Work Well Where It Is Really Hot?

The buildings in hot climate areas need all the help that they can get to prevent heat absorption and the related huge cooling bills. One of the best ways to reduce the heat that penetrates the building in hot regions is to choose materials that form an energy barrier between the cooler building interior and the hot air outside. As the roof makes up a considerable part of any building envelope, choosing an energy efficient material is a great decision, one of the best options in that sense being roofing systems made from cement, also known as concrete roofs. If you are currently considering material options for your building located in a hot climate zone, here is what you can expect of cement.

The Price of Cement Shingles

The roofing tiles and shingles made from cement are currently among the most popular options for people looking for the unique, classic charm of terracotta, but without the high costs. The manufacturing process of cement shingles requires significantly less energy than the making of clay tiles as it does not involve any burning at high temperatures, which is why cement roofing materials are much cheaper.

roofing Austin contractor

Resistance to the Elements

Experienced cement roofing Austin contractors confirm that cement shingles can stand up to most forms of harsh weather, such as hail, excessive moisture, high winds, even pests. Cement also has superior thermal resistance features as well – the material being heavy and the shingles made from it being quite thick, they take longer to heat up than other materials, thus they are great for any geographical area that gets long heat spells.


Cement roofs are very long-lived – if properly installed, you can expect your cement roof to last for around 70 years.

Installation, Maintenance and Repair

If you pick cement for the material of your next roof, be prepared that the installation of your shingles will be slightly more complicated than the installation of other materials. Each shingle needs to be installed separately, one at a time, the process involving fixing each piece with suitable nails. However, the material’s low maintenance needs will probably compensate for the more complicated and lengthier installation – like any roof, the structures that use cement will also need regular cleaning and inspection, but in most cases, the inspection will reveal no or only minor faults.

The special structure of cement roofs ensure that repair is quick and easy – as the pieces are installed one by one, if any of them gets damaged, the chipped or cracked element can be replaced separately, too.


Cement shingles are available in a very wide array of shapes, sizes, types and colors. While the most common shades are still matte terracotta hues, cement shingles are available in glossy varieties and in many unusual colors, including black, beige, white, blue, orange and green.

A Few Words about Weight

Cement is a heavy material and the shingles made from it are heavy as well. This means that cement shingles are safe options only for buildings with structures able to support the heavy roof.